Podcasting & Recording/Preparing Audio for Online Use
The sounds in class, we can trust our ears. Look at this video:
When we listen to songs we use both parts of the brain.

Sounds can modify our feelings, they can influence our sensations and change our behavior.

Ideas for using sounds
Teach history and cultures through audio.
Create an atmosphere.
Concepts - What does it mean to be a hero? The modern Spiderman and a move to show empathy for the bad guy.
story telling
An encouragement to speak.
Start a discussion.
karaoke? and why not?
Teaching musical literacy: genres and instruments.
Sensitization and tolerance
A truthful representation of the language of the street.
Use real life situations.
Create intrigue for topics that may not be popular with the individual student.
Translation done with the free version of the translator
If we want to use sounds for our classes we can use these pages that allow us to integrate sounds in our page website . We can also edit sounds with the Audacity tool. It is an open source tool. Click on the image to access the Audacity website.
Dreamle.com . Bank of free sounds that can be used in podcast creation.
goear It is a portal similar to YouTube but in which MP3 audio files are hosted.
Magnatune, Musical audio catalog with Creative Commons license. It expressly allows the use of audio in podcasts.
Tribe of Noise . Music by independent artists under a Creative Commons license.
Music Lliure.cat . Music in Catalan to download for free.
Argentine Folklore . Argentine folk music for free and free download.
Dogmatic . Music in French to download, in MP3 and OGG with a Creative Commons license.
Radiotheque . Place for sharing and downloading audios. This website contains thousands of audios classified by topic (human rights, health, culture, children's audios...) to listen to online or download.
Radialists offers free MP3 radio productions. The radio clips are classified by theme, they can be listened to online or downloaded to the computer and their texts are offered, in addition to Spanish, in several languages (generally in English and Portuguese). See how to put the clips of radio broadcasters on your website.
Audiria is a free tool to support learning Spanish. It offers audiotexts organized according to their difficulty and distributed in several thematic channels. More information.
sound snap is a platform to find and share sounds and sound effects for free. The sounds are classified into categories: animals, nature, humans, transport, interiors, science fiction... Resource contributed by Leonor Quintana in FORMESPA, see an example of use in the activity “Sounds inform us” elaborated by this teacher.
free sound effects classified by categories (clocks, bells, sports, birds, footsteps, horror...). Resource provided by Professor Janine Suira at FORMESPA.
The Freesound Project . Platform for the exchange of sounds created by the Music Technology Group of the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona. It includes more than 40,000 sounds in WAV and MP3 formats under a Creative Commons license.
Free-Loops.com . Web that offers sounds, voices, sound effects, etc. to download for free.
Universal-Soundbank.com . Sonoteca that houses more than 12,000 free downloadable sounds in MP3 format and organized into 5 sections and alphabetically. Website in French and English.
Source: Interactive notebook.