Day 4
Session 1: Using online applications: Goconq - Socrative - LearningApps.org
Activity 1: Quiz. Each student creates two quizzes, with the Goconq tool, which they share with the class and we all do a quiz.
(The explanation of how to do quizzes is in the photocopy you give us).
Activity 2: Quiz. Each student creates a quiz with Socrative which he then shows to the rest of the class.
Activity 3: View Tutorial from LearningApps.org . This is a tool for creating a variety of different activities to practice the full range of language skills.
She shows us the activities that she has created with this tool for her classes and encourages us to use it in our classes.
Session 2: Storytelling using videos
Activity 1: Level B2-C1. The objective of this activity is to practice the present continuous and present simple. Students sit all in a row (I don't know why), watch the video and have to write a list of adjectives that describe the emotions and actions they see in the video. The video is displayed without sound. Once it has been seen, each student says their adjectives and actions out loud and in pairs they create the story that they share with the rest of the class. Previously, the teacher has read the story that the couples have written and with a marker she has underlined the expressions and vocabulary that she liked.
This is the video we watched:
Activity 2: Level B2-C1. Speaking activity: Interpretation.
The teacher shows a scene from a movie (a dialogue) without sound and asks us to imagine the conversation. The activity consists of individually creating the dialogue. Once we write it, and share it with the class, the video is shown again, this time with sound, and it is compared with what we have written. The video he showed us is the scene in the cafeteria from the movie “You've got mail”. Here you can see:
This is the video we watched:
Activity 3: Level B2-C1.Using songs and music. To put a song in order.
Objective: Use songs to work on coherence and cohesion since there will be a logic in the succession of actions. The teacher gives us the lyrics of a song cut into strips and we have to put them in order. We did this activity together (group activity). When we think that all the “strips” (strips) follow a logical order, we tell the teacher and that's when we hear the song. All the students are around the table where the divided song is and at the same time that they hear the song they check that the lyrics of the song coincide with the video. In the event that this is not the case, the strips are moved in the appropriate order. The song we heard (Elvis Presley- In the ghetto) is in this link:
Session 3: Using songs and music& learning potential
Activity 1: Level B2-C1. listening for detail.
Objective: Listen out for the mistakes. Not for registration but for the details. The teacher gives us a photocopy with a song by James Blunt “High” and tells us that we have to write down the mistakes and replace them with the exact words of the song while we heard it
Activity 2: Level C1. Filling the gaps & matching activities (coherence) & conversation questions/answers.
Before listening to the song we do an exercise of joining a series of expressions with the meaning of each of them. Next, the teacher gives us a photocopy with the lyrics of a song that is missing words that we must fill in. The song puts it twice. This is the song: Capital Cities_ Safe& sound.
