Day 1
Session 1: Engaging the learner: Motivating today´s students
We begin the session with a brief personal presentation of each of the teachers who are in this course and then we move on to the first activity:
Define what is a teacher and what is a class: We work with a photocopy where we have to add four characteristics/ behaviors that define a teacher and give an opinion about what the class is, both for the teacher and for the student. Next, a round of opinions is opened and a debate is held on these two topics. We also analyzed “The twelve roles of the teacher”(photocopy) and talked about the mistakes we can avoid as teachers.
Next we see a video:
This RSA Animate was adapted from a talk given at the RSA by Sir Ken Robinson, world-renowned expert on education and creativity and recipient of the RSA Benjamin Franklin Award. (Note: RSA Animate is a project of the Royal Society of Arts They are videos that explain with cartoons the theories of the most influential minds in the world.)
In this video, creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson challenged the way we educate our children, making the case for a radical rethinking of how our school systems nurture creativity and recognize multiple types of intelligence.
After watching the video we talked about the importance of being creative in the classroom.
Session 2: Get them talking: Encouraging students to speak
This second session begins with two questions from the teacher: How do you get your students talking? and How do you motivate /encourage them talk? In turn, each teacher answers them.
We work two activities:
Activity 1: Level B1. We do an activity called “Mingling activity” (A “mingle” is an activity in which a student approaches a partner, talks for a while and then goes on to talk to another partner). We can use it as an “icebreaker/warm up”.
Photocopy: Each student has to write in each folder (there are 9) what the teacher tells them: Someone you like, A year you remember, A city you like…etc. Once all the folders have been written, the students get up and start talking to each other. The goal is to use “social expressions to mix with the others”. (In the photocopy that he gave us there is a list of these expressions: Opening a conversation, building rapport, changing the subject, breaking off…)
Activity 2: Level B1.Photocopy “Group holiday”. This is an activity to work in pairs. The students had to prepare a vacation announcement and expose it to the rest of the class.
Session 3: Learner styles & Multiple Intelligences
Activity 1: Matching activity: Multiple Intelligences.
We work with some photocopies that explain the theory of multiple intelligences. The theory of multiple intelligences establishes that there are eight different intelligences, related to each other but functional individually and that can be more or less developed depending on the person.
the teacher explained What are the advantages of applying this theory in language teaching? Next we did the activity that consisted of putting "ticks" on your degree of identification with the different intelligences.
Activity 2: Level B2. “Saying “No” tactfully. Photocopy: Different situations where the students, distributed in pairs, must use expressions to say “no” politely and with tact.
Next we see a video “10 ways to say “No” politely.
Activity 3: Level B1-B2. Expressing your reservations (Photocopy)
We see phrases to express doubts before suggestions. We work in pairs: one suggests and the other expresses doubts.
Activity 4: Level B2-C1. bloopers! Find the mistake- and correct it.
(Blooper is a funny mistake / goof)
Photocopy containing 12 boxes with "bloopers" taken from different situations: The objective of this activity is "laugh while learning". You can work in groups and in pairs. Another speaking activity where, in turns, each student tells the other where the “blooper” (mistake) is and… they laugh for a while.
Activity 5: Level B2-C1.Package instructions.
This activity is similar to the previous one. All the phrases that the photocopy contains are taken from the product labels. You can work in pairs and in groups.
On Sainsbury´s peanuts :Warning: contains nuts
On Marks&Spencer bread pudding:Product will be hot after heating
