Day 3
Session 1: Advertisement
Activity 1: Level B2-C1.Speaking /Listening activity: Discussion
In this session we discuss the usefulness and purpose of television commercials in language class. The cultural values of each of them will be analyzed and discuss whether the selection of objectives described has been successful in the end. (Photocopy “Adverts Worksheet”)
We display a series of ads:
Gorilla-Cadbury's - Golliwog Jam- Dove´s bottles - nike- Sephora-The unlimited power of beauty
All Videos
All Videos

Sephora: The Unlimited Power of Beauty

Nike - just do it

Dove Shows Off Soap Bottles In Different Shapes
Session 2: Advertisement & using learningApps.org
Activity 1: Level B2-C1.Dog Goldber Machine
The main objective of this activity is the description using the sequence of actions, connectors (linking words), memory...
Students watch the video. The description of the video is divided into fragments on strips of paper that are given to the students so that they put them in order according to what they have seen. In a group, put the fragments in order and they are distributed among the students who have stood up with the strips of paper and the video is watched again. It is checked that it is in order and if not, the student moves among the other students until their strips match the video.
The second part of the activity is to describe the ad using linking words to join the fragments and making changes in sentence structures (use of relative clauses,...) in order to improve the text.
Activity 2: Level B1.Gift of the gab.
The objective of this activity is to create an advertisement. In pairs, students create an advertisement. In this case it was about trying to get the teacher to buy a bag. Make the ad as attractive as possible. The couple whose bag the teacher buys wins.
Activity 3 : Using online applications (Photocopy)
The teacher shows us two apps on the screen (GoCongr and Socrative) in a very general way and we create the accounts. These will be two applications that will be seen in depth the next day.
